Poem 1: Scared beyond measure

I am scared beyond measure. My fighting words strike fear into the hearts of nonexistent tormentors: the antagonists that lurk beneath the deepest trenches of my being. They prod at me with sharpened words. I hold the blood in, hoping it becomes a battle scar. 

My sword is bloodied and broken. A day taken and slain is left beneath my feet. Another looms in the horizon with amber eyes and sharpened teeth.

I collapse on the ground triumphant, victorious, and defeated. I rise before a soul witnesses I have fallen. 

I run forth once again screaming into battle. Sword drawn, heart ablaze, scared beyond measure. 

The darkness recedes just a little. 

I wrote this during my first few weeks of teaching. I'm on Month 5 now. It's a lot of fun, but I also can't wait until year 2 starts.

Bye for now,

Mr. Mento


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